Gail Martin (author of Disappearing Queen, Two Sylvias Press, 2021)
Winner of the 2019 Two Sylvias Press Wilder Prize

Gail Martin's book Begin Empty-Handed won the Perugia Press Poetry prize in 2013 and was the winner of the Housatonic Book Award for Poetry at Western Connecticut State University in 2014. She was selected to be one of the featured readers at the Poetry Center at Smith College to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Perugia Press in 2016. Martin is a Michigan native with roots in both northern and southern Michigan. She lives in Kalamazoo, MI where she works as a psychotherapist. Recent work can be seen in Beloit Poetry Journal, Blackbird, Juxtaprose and Willow Springs. Disappearing Queen, winner of the Wilder Poetry Prize at Two Sylvias Press, is her third collection.
Click here for purchasing information for Disappearing Queen