Hiwot Adilow (author of In The House Of My Father, Two Sylvias Press, 2018)
Winner of the 2017 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize, judged by Kaveh Akbar

Hiwot Adilow is an Ethiopian-American poet, singer, songwriter, and author of In The House of My Father (Two Sylvias Press, 2018). She is a 2016 Callaloo Fellow, and has been featured on CNN, NPR, and Wisconsin Public Television. Her writing appears or is forthcoming in The Offing, Nepantla, Winter Tangerine, The BreakBeats Poets Vol 2.0: Black Girl Magic (Haymarket Books, 2018) and elsewhere. Hiwot is a member of the First Wave Hip Hop and Urban Arts Learning Community at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was born and raised in Philadelphia.
Click here for purchasing information for In The House Of My Father