Meg E. Griffitts (author of Hallucinating a Homestead, Two Sylvias Press, 2021)
Winner of the 2020 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize, judged by Traci Brimhall

Meg E. Griffitts is the author of Hallucinating a Homestead, winner of the 2020 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize judged by Traci Brimhall. Griffitts holds an MFA from Texas State and is a panelist for Newfound’s 2021 Anzaldúa Poetry Prize. Her poem “When the Doctor Doesn’t Believe Your Pain” was a finalist for Inverted Syntax’s 2020 Sublingua Contest, and her essay “Hyemation” was a runner-up for the 2018 Wabash Prize for Nonfiction. Her work has appeared in The Missouri Review, Medium, Black Warrior Review, Homology Lit, and numerous other journals and anthologies. She was a resident at Vermont Studio Center, and she’s currently working on her first full-length poetry collection and memoir. She lives in Portland on the Confederate Tribes of Grand Ronde land where she teaches and gardens. Find more of her work at
Click here for purchasing information for Hallucinating a Homestead